Merry Christmas from the Fifth Avenue family!

Christmas is the perfect time to express to family, friends, colleagues, and clients how grateful we are for your love and support. This is why we are sending this message to everyone this holiday season! Merry Christmas, and thank you!

We want to take this time to thank all the allied healthcare professionals from our Fifth Avenue family, from those that serve behind the scenes in credentialing to the frontline doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic head-on.

Thank you to all the healthcare heroes who continue to tirelessly serve our communities during these incredibly challenging times. It is humbling to know that you are always there for us when we need you most. You show up day after day and get the job done, and you do it with a smile. We are so incredibly grateful for the work you do!

The Reason for the Season

When Joseph learned that Mary was with child, Matthew 1:20 states that Joseph was afraid to take her as his wife, yet he hoped and believed in the angel’s word and kept moving forward with his family. Despite hardships such as having no place to sleep and fleeing to a foreign land, Mary and Joseph remained faithful, hopeful, and committed – as a family.

The most arduous journeys require the most from us, but they can also show us who will stay by our side. Mary and Joseph had only each other to lean on as a family. Likewise, here at Fifth Avenue, all of us are family.

Life’s journey can become quite tricky, but the people we bring along make all the difference. Our friends, family, and amazing colleagues at Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services are a large part of why we push through each day, no matter how hard it seems.

Merry Christmas from Fifth Avenue to all of you!

Christmas is about giving ourselves to others, and it is the perfect time of year to express our thanks and love to you, our Fifth Avenue family. It is because of your example that we can carry on each day.

Celebrating hope means thanking you – the people we depend on daily to keep the wheels running smoothly. Everyone at Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services is grateful for our friends and families, both in and out of the office.

Our employees have been one of the most precious gifts this year for us and the people we serve. During this season of hope, we are incredibly grateful for all our team members, clients, and colleagues, who we call our friends and family, here at Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel – which means, God with us.”

More information about Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services

Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services is a family of healthcare companies. Sister companies include 5ACVO (credentialing and primary source verification specialists), Fifth Avenue Agency (MPLI and medical malpractice specialists), and Primoris Credentialing Network (credentialing and provider enrollment specialists with 54+ health plan and network provider enrollment options).

This article was initially published by Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services here. For more information on Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services, please visit or Contact Us.

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